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March 2, 2022, 1:55 a.m.
Posts: 1117
Joined: Aug. 13, 2017

I have some Ergotecs (50mm rise and 70mm rise) - they're not bad but not braced for that Klunker look.

The shape looks nicer on the Hunters and they're 15 backsweep rather than 12...

March 2, 2022, 3:48 a.m.
Posts: 772
Joined: Feb. 28, 2017

Can you have a brace without the bar getting harsh from the flex zone being massively reduced?! Custom steel bars point to no. 

The Hunters have a sweeter sweep spot (haha) for me.

March 2, 2022, 5:55 a.m.
Posts: 2319
Joined: Sept. 10, 2012

Adding bracing to a high rise bar is going to make it a lot stiffer. I don't see a way around that unless you manage to install a faux-brace with some sort of flexible mounting system. I can appreciate the klunker aesthetic, but not at the expense of stiff bar.

Maybe some enterprising fabricator will design the Klunk-Flex Bars to solve this riddle? ;-)

March 2, 2022, 7:03 a.m.
Posts: 2319
Joined: Sept. 10, 2012

Modern Klunk-Flexx? Available in 14 deg backsweep.

March 2, 2022, 9:19 a.m.
Posts: 772
Joined: Feb. 28, 2017

Interesting. Hadn’t considered the Moto-version of Flexx bars. 

*edit: The high versions should be tall enough. Just have to translate height to rise. The 28.6mm stem clamp may be a PIA. Bicycles being 22.2 / 25.4 / 31.8 / 35.

"Everything serious is always [Full Suspension]" - Jerry Willows


 Last edited by: AndrewMajor on March 2, 2022, 9:23 a.m., edited 2 times in total.
March 2, 2022, 3:59 p.m.
Posts: 2319
Joined: Sept. 10, 2012

Moto bars come in 31.8mm diameter so I would assume shims are available.  Ultimately as we add niche requirements to the spec some compromises will have to be made.

March 3, 2022, 2:33 a.m.
Posts: 1117
Joined: Aug. 13, 2017

Posted by: Vikb

Adding bracing to a high rise bar is going to make it a lot stiffer. I don't see a way around that unless you manage to install a faux-brace with some sort of flexible mounting system. I can appreciate the klunker aesthetic, but not at the expense of stiff bar.

Maybe some enterprising fabricator will design the Klunk-Flex Bars to solve this riddle? ;-)

I know, I want my cake and be able to eat it too... (*)

I could see a custom braced bar being designed to flex - its just a matter of getting the right tubing.  Maybe a Moonman or Mone would be the ticket.

I like the Flexx bars - they look cool - just needs the clamp area to be a little narrower for MTB *  - (returns to original statement re cake and eating...)

March 3, 2022, 4:39 a.m.
Posts: 1117
Joined: Aug. 13, 2017

Slightly off topic but a MEAT Friendly topic - push on grips...

I saw these on a Paul Aston review of the Banshee Titan.  They look interesting,_mounts__and__grips/progrip_motocross_grips/progrip_799_dual_density_grips/progrip_799_gel_cross_grips_-_black?gclid=Cj0KCQiA64GRBhCZARIsAHOLriIBhyXfotoqptRqoeupTOxcEuNa08So_yjiGAeOxQ8DsWzkVlC5i-saArauEALw_wcB

March 5, 2022, 6:27 p.m.
Posts: 2319
Joined: Sept. 10, 2012

MEAT-aholics anyone else get annoyed when people talk about choosing a hardtail vs. a FS bike is an automatic downgrade? I mean if you are choosing between a saxophone and trumpet they are obviously different instruments, but in general terms it's not like one is "better". I think the same applies to bikes. Given how over-biked and under-maintained/setup a lot of FS riders are it's not like they are even getting the maximum potential from those monkey motion machines. 

Now I can picture some scenarios in my head where I'd rather be on a FS bike and others where I'd rather be on a hardtail with a wide area between those two where I'd have about the same fun on either machine even though the experience would be somewhat different. I am not proselytizing that everyone should ride a hardtail, but I'd like the discussion to be a bit more fair minded and rational. 

Grouchy old guy rant over. ;-)

March 6, 2022, 12:22 a.m.
Posts: 1117
Joined: Aug. 13, 2017

Vik - I'm guessing this is in relation to Uncle Daves recent article where most people were suggesting nubies get a FS bike.  If someone was getting into the sport I would suggest a HT until they got hooked.  Then for sure spend all your money on a FS bike.  HTs are so much cheaper and easier to maintain yet still give you the buzz (if not more than a FS bike which mutes trail feedback).

The bigger issue I have is with people who see HTs as something inferior or "cheaper" than a FS bike.  Gut feeling is these people haven't ridden a modern HT for any period of time / at all.  Also its not about whether you can ride a trail on a HT but its how fast / how beaten up you get.  I would argue that if a HT beats you up you need to get stronger so it doesn't beat you up which means you need to ride one more rather than less...

For me it parallels with ebikes.  Ebikes dumb down the sport by lowering the entry price I  terms if fitness.  FS bikes do the same but to a lessering degree but with bike handling.

I'm guessing I'm preaching to the converted in this thread as most probably ride HTs on a regular basis (altho saying that my HT is now my commuter and I only ride my FS bike off road- but I do miss riding my HT on dirt)

Grumpy middle aged man rant over.

March 6, 2022, 5:52 a.m.
Posts: 2319
Joined: Sept. 10, 2012

Although it was the recent Uncle Dave article that brought this to mind it's a pretty common trope that gets repeated again and again and again. I'm also not saying a newb shouldn't get a FS bike. But the choice is more complicated than "Hardtail bad unless you poor!"

You are correct that most people have not ridden a modern geo hardtail so they are working from some vague memory of being terrified on an old school NORBA-esque XC hardtail. 

When I was more keen on hosting group rides I'd go around to the newbs  + some of the less savvy regulars and check out their setups. I was probably at something like 75% hit rate for finding a major issue with their FS bikes. So even if you think a FS bike is superior to a HT it's got to be setup/maintained somewhat reasonably to perform well. That's a high bar for a lot of people.

March 6, 2022, 6:55 a.m.
Posts: 233
Joined: Dec. 6, 2017

Posted by: fartymarty

I would argue that if a HT beats you up you need to get stronger so it doesn't beat you up which means you need to ride one more rather than less...

After beating my ankles up, due to my SZ 12 feet(lots of leverage/torque on ankles). Not being able to ride for a month or 2, while recovering....sucked. 

Can't get old ankles stronger!

My ankles appreciate my FS!

March 6, 2022, 8:22 a.m.
Posts: 2319
Joined: Sept. 10, 2012

Posted by: Ouch

After beating my ankles up, due to my SZ 12 feet(lots of leverage/torque on ankles). Not being able to ride for a month or 2, while recovering....sucked.

Can't get old ankles stronger!

My ankles appreciate my FS!

Clipless? I ride flats with 11.5 US feet and I had sore ankles on the hardtail when I moved to a spot with twice as fast average speeds on the trails so all the impacts were bigger. A bit of a readjustment of my foot position and some conditioning took care of that. If you ride flats I think there are some obvious/easy solutions. I'm 53 so not sure if I have "old ankles" yet.

 Last edited by: Vikb on March 6, 2022, 8:23 a.m., edited 1 time in total.
March 6, 2022, 9:06 a.m.
Posts: 233
Joined: Dec. 6, 2017

Posted by: Vikb

Posted by: Ouch

After beating my ankles up, due to my SZ 12 feet(lots of leverage/torque on ankles). Not being able to ride for a month or 2, while recovering....sucked.

Can't get old ankles stronger!

My ankles appreciate my FS!

Clipless? I ride flats with 11.5 US feet and I had sore ankles on the hardtail when I moved to a spot with twice as fast average speeds on the trails so all the impacts were bigger. A bit of a readjustment of my foot position and some conditioning took care of that. If you ride flats I think there are some obvious/easy solutions. I'm 53 so not sure if I have "old ankles" yet.

Flats. Same age. I'm not a masochist, not into punishing my body unnecessary!😁

March 6, 2022, 10:26 a.m.
Posts: 1117
Joined: Aug. 13, 2017

Posted by: Ouch

Posted by: fartymarty

I would argue that if a HT beats you up you need to get stronger so it doesn't beat you up which means you need to ride one more rather than less...

After beating my ankles up, due to my SZ 12 feet(lots of leverage/torque on ankles). Not being able to ride for a month or 2, while recovering....sucked. 

Can't get old ankles stronger!

My ankles appreciate my FS!

I've got no problems when people who have legit reasons for riding FS but most riders don't ride HTs because its "too hard". 

I quite like clips on the HT tho as it's one less thing to think about.

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