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April 18, 2024, 10:52 a.m. -  Coiler

I have had two gravel bikes, culminating in doing the Unbound 200 a few years ago. Living in Vancouver, I actually found there are very few good gravel routes, and I got pretty bored of the options here. It was great to have an off-road capable road bike that I could ride from home, but it ended up spending 80-90% of its time on the trainer for winter fitness.  Last year I sold my gravel bike and got an xc bike with fast rubber, and I am way happier. I can ride from home in east van to Seymour and Fromme, and then do more xc inspired rides. Obviously the XC bike is slower on roads and gravel trails, but far more capable and fun on singletrack. I also can toss it on my trainer for the winter. I still have an enduro that is more suitable for the burlier trails that I ride more frequently. But having an XC + Enduro has made me way happier than a gravel bike + Enduro.

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