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April 18, 2024, 9:30 a.m. -  Andy Eunson

I figure the unfriendly nature is a symptom of living in crowded places. In downtown Vancouver the crowds are like a forest of trees and you look at the spaces between to avoid collisions. Plus if you greeted everyone you’d never get anywhere. But. At least keep a happy face. I make a point of smiling most of the time. Or at least look happy. Some folks seem to have, as my mother used to say, "A face like a meat axe". No idea what that meant but it was derogatory. On trails though I almost always strike up a conversation with strangers. Warn them of bear sightings, trail conditions, where you going. Same thing Nordic skiing or sitting on chair lifts.  In the village the tourists tend to be in a world of their own. I don’t really engage them but I do smile at the kids antics and some adults. I have been known to photo bomb selfies. It doesn’t hurt to be pleasant.  I ran into a dick a few years back Nordic skiing with my two Labradors. On ski trails where dogs are allowed off leash. This guy starts swearing at my dog and me because he was jogging up the middle of the skate track and was in this guys way. Shitty skier. He goes by me as I’m waiting for my old dog to catch up and mutters loudly so I can hear. I catch up a bit later and before I can call him out he apologizes profusely. Still pissed me off but better than nothing I suppose.  The worst are the people that shout out "I thought dogs weren’t allowed here" in a know it all voice. They will get a "I’ve been skiing here for 15 seasons with my dogs and I can assure it dogs are allowed". "Cocksucker". People. Can’t live with them, can’t shoot them. I miss the uncrowdedness of Covid.

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