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April 10, 2024, 8:26 a.m. -  Lu Kz

If you're talking about the big bike company... ehh..... If you look at the [2006 Rocky Mountain Slayer]( and then the [venerable Flatline]( it really doesn't take a significant stretch of the imagination to come to the conclusion that the current bike could be the logical and natural progression had Rocky not moved away from the platform (even acknowledging that ackthually LC2R was linkage driven single pivot at the time).  Besides, VPP is one of the current three committee approved platforms so it only makes sense for brands to select it.  If you're talking about the man in red, then yes, he's certain to be annoyed. The elves really will have their work cut out for them with these. The welding looks like an absolute chore on those alloy models.

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