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April 8, 2024, 9:35 a.m. -  Bro-Tato

Re Shafter - you're the first person who I have ever heard say that they enjoyed Shafter! Then again, it's possible that it's had some maintenance since the last time I rode it, which included cavernous ruts through -18% off-camber turns and a huge fallen redwood that resulted in mandatory hike-a-bike. Also, most people complaining about Shafter are idiots like me who decided to climb it... ugh. Re: Jewell - it would not surprise me at all to hear that it's wrecked right now. GGNRA, the land manager for that trail and for almost all of Bo Ridge, takes a rather... laissez faire approach to maintenance. There's a somewhat infamous rutted section of Bo Ridge (that I think you may have ridden through on day 2) known by locals as the "cracks of doom." On the right wet year, you can actually put your whole bicycle plus yourself in these ruts for a cute photo. :)

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