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Jan. 28, 2015, 7:13 a.m. -  pudding

#!markdown I always have 3 tabs open in my browser from day to day: Pinkbike, VitalMTB, and NSMB. I go to Pinkbike for news updates, new edits, and things of that nature. VitalMTB has Teamrumors, the best DH World cup and EWS content (slideshows), and the occasional review. NSMB has the articles I actually read from start to finish. Opinion pieces I actually care to read, and reviews that actually feel more genuine. I also enjoy the weekend warmup videos, more so than pinkbikes movies for your monday, mainly because I get bored of watching generic edits all the time and weekend warmup rarely has those types of edits. A lot of the time if there is a video that I want to watch and it is on all 3 websites, I will go to NSMB to watch it. All three websites have their strong points, and all 3 are worth me taking a look at every day. I don't read newspapers or watch the news, but I enjoy immersing myself in MTB content every morning before work. Thanks for your continued efforts to bring the best articles you can to the front page.

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