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April 27, 2024, 3:41 p.m. -  Cooper Quinn

I used an app called "Bounce". It was **way** cheaper that leaving it at the airport. Turns out it looks like its just a place for businesses with extra storage space to monitize some of it, mine was a convenience store. There's some insurance through the app and whatnot, but I wouldn't be leaving real valualbes and such; hence me taking my tablet and the like on the ride.  The downside was... was a lot further from the airport than I expected. In classic fashion, the distance was listed as the crow flied, and the drop point ended up being on the other side of the freeway, and a several kilometer ride. I dragged it by hand on the way in, which was awful. Partway through the trip, I brainstormed the trailer idea which you see in this article, and it worked really well on the way back!

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