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April 20, 2024, 11:33 a.m. -  The Chez

I like that you wrote about this and acknowledged the masses of Entitled White Vans™ that litter areas. I guess if you spend $120k on a roving studio apartment you're above saying hi. But I noticed the trend as sports became more socially accepted/mainstream. Skateboarding, mountain biking and snowboarding would be my basis. Back in the day you all acknowledged each other as part of something secret, something nobody you knew in your family or school were likely doing. And it was a secret society. Then....X-Games happened. And things got more accepted. Then....olympics happened. Or maybe I'm way off base and it's just society getting less cordial and more narcissistic? Either way, I will still say hi or wave or nod every time I pass somebody. I don't even get hurt anymore. I know I did my part. I even get off my bike for hikers and equestrians (and yes, I even acknowledge equestrians even though they rip apart trail). At some point should we all just wear VR goggles while we ride? That way we can have the experience we crave? I already see people riding with ear buds.

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