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April 18, 2024, 8:36 a.m. -  RNAYEL

Hi Cam, I have a few requests 1\. Find Kelly B (AKA Dumpster Bear of socials), of Orange Sport Supply, and take a selfie with Kelly. He's an awesome dude. His partner and I work together, it would be funny to send her a picture of Kelly just working at Sea Otter. 2\. Find what Specialized is up to and whether the actually release a new Enduro or a new Stumpjumper at the show. If they do, I'm sure that it'll be everywhere - even so. 3\. Will Kent follow up their pull of Kona from the trade show with layoffs or a possible shut down of the brand, what's your sense after the show? News may come during the show - per Bicycle Retailer, they've called a town hall today to discuss something... 4\. Count the number of Rolexes (or Pateks, AP etc.) that you see. Flash is a sign of people's optimism, it would be cool to get a vibe check for how the exhibitor staff feel about the short-term future of the industry.

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