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April 8, 2024, 8:46 a.m. -  Cooper Quinn

Yeah, I took some weird XC-ish trail up to that point on the China Camp ridge, before punching up the fire road. The trails I saw looked fun! Side anecdote - I'd run into a dog walker at the top of that absurdly steep road climb where I punched onto dirt, who said the trail should be fine for my setup and... well, it was, but I sure wouldn't recommend most people take a fully loaded gravel bike in there!  Having not done the other, earlier ways off Bo Ridge... I'd still agree. That was by far the worst way off, and my least favorite part of the whole trip. I'd just picked it because it spat me out right where I wanted to be at Five Brooks, and maximized my time on the ridge. Lesson learned.  I enjoyed Shafter! I didn't quite realize how much of Bo Ridge I was going to repeat, but the descent was fun and had been somewhat recently graded. I'd originally planned on taking Jewell, but that was one of the things I'd discussed with some locals while sipping that Pliny, and maybe it wasn't in great shape at the time? I also thought about heading up Bill's - in hindsight I might do this instead of the north end of Bo Ridge again.

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