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April 3, 2024, 8:31 a.m. -  mikesee

i go slow because i like to.  because i can hear the birds around me and think about how they fit into the bigger picture of the landscape through which i'm traveling. but the region we live in is corrugated, with 4000'-in-6-mile climbs common.  when it's this steep, with this much relief, sometimes how hard we go ain't up to us. to the end of mitigating that i've been running my 1x drivetrains with 24t chainrings paired with 10-52t cassettes.  on an average 4-5 hour ride i'll be parked in that pixie gear, twiddling away, for 3+ hours. so doing is the only way i can ride 5 hours in this terrain.  and it allows me to maintain enough gas in the tank to make fun of the ego-ringers i occasionally cross paths with out there, completely blown to pieces, goo all over their chins and chests, smacking their shins on their pedals as they do the sidi-slip-slide uphill, not even halfway through the ride. i don't really make fun of them -- not aloud anyway.  i just twiddle past and let that simple act speak as loudly as it needs to.

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