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March 26, 2024, 7:53 a.m. -  Lu Kz

Meh... If Norco wants to release multiple bikes with substantial overlap, hey, neither you and I are responsible for their bottom line,  why isn't a deeper product line better for the consumer? You can basically do that to the new sight now on your own, you don't need their permission. The Range really is something special even if it isn't meant for the vast majority of riders. I don't really know what the difference between your theoretical optic and the current fluid are. I think the Optic has a place, it could likely be a race-winning bike at mellower locations that have featured races in the past. In my neck of the woods it could be the fastest bike in their lineup somewhere like Harper. I haven't spent any time on it. Is it a bike for you? No, you've clearly demonstrated that. But good news, Norco is offering a shitload of platforms between new releases and carry-forward this year, so there's plenty for you or anyone else to choose from.  The new Optic is exactly the kind of oddball shit we should still be encouraging. Flawed? sure. Fatal? to be determined. But at least they're trying stuff.

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