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March 25, 2024, 9:04 a.m. -  Cr4w

As a side point to this. Specialized doesn't offer the Enduro in S6 and Trek doesn't offer the new Slash in XXL. The only big brand to really do this is Santa Cruz that offers basically every model in XXL and in every colourway (not just covering their bases by offering XXL in black/alloy/basic spec).  Clearly the bean counters at the bigger brands are behind that. I understand that very small brands might not justify an investment in carbon to produce XXL or XS figuring they won't sell enough to justify the cost to tool up within a 3-year window. You might think those sizes should be the domain of the very big brands, where the bigger distribution network, wider reach and huge sales for M and L justify lower volume sizes like XS and XXL? Nope.

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