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March 15, 2024, 5:09 p.m. -  Mike Ferrentino

Good point. I based my value proposition on the Packout stuff on three points of comparison (but neglected to write about it because I didn't want to fall down that wormhole) that are totally at the opposite end of the price spectrum: Pelican, Yeti, and Decked. I looooove Pelican stuff, but I really cannot justify the price for my particular use, and Pelican don't click together and stack the way these do. Yeti, well, they don't really have a competitive product at all, but I am willing to bet they are trying to edge into this space in the next few years. Decked are new players, and their D-Co cases put a lot of stock in stackability and modular fit-togetherness. They are made in the US, big props, but they don't have as big a range, as many features, and they cost a bit more. Stacked (heh) against all of them, the Packout stuff is well enough made to pass muster and is substantially more cost effective. In the other dollar direction, Husky does the job, but I have had a few of their plastic cases self destruct over the years. RIdgid, getthefuckouttahere. Next you'll be telling me you only buy Ryobi for your power tools (that was an attempt at good natured ribbing, and if you love your Ryobi tools I will shut up now). Stanley, I can't speak to since I have no direct experience. But I swear by their tape measures.

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