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Oct. 19, 2023, 7:32 a.m. -  Justin White

The clutch could arguably* affect suspension, but it's definitely not going to affect pedal kickback. If anything, keeping tension on the bottom leg of chain would slightly _counter_ pedal kickback, which comes from tension on the top leg of chain. Except the clutch force is tiny compared to the forces causing pedal kickback: if the chain-length grows, it's going to slip the clutch and cause kickback no matter how strong you tune the clutch. \* (though I can't feel it on my bike, and don't see how it's anything more than marginal: it's a tiny amount of force compared to the forces between the ground and the shock and the forces from pedal kickback. In other words, chain-less is noticeable, clutch-less isn't \[to me\].)

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