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Jan. 6, 2022, 8:04 a.m. -  OldManBike

I sprang for 2 of their x2 lights a couple years ago and use them regularly on night rides. They're not bad, but if I had it to do over again I'd get something else. My biggest gripe is that the remote (which was the \#1 selling point for me) failed on the first ride and never worked thereafter. My bad for not dealing with warranty hassle (or maybe I did once and then gave up, I forget), but that makes me a little mad out every time I reach for them. My second gripe is that they shipped them (for years, maybe still) knowing that the plugs connecting the light and battery were stupid tight, and instead of addressing it they just told buyers to futz around with heat guns themselves. Which would be no big deal if these weren't high-end priced. Those two irritants aside, they're quality lights.

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