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May 18, 2021, 10:06 a.m. -  BadNudes

Does anyone register their bikes? When police and cycling communities start using bike registries, bike theft has dropped considerably, demonstrated in Vancouver with the 529 Garage registry. This video goes deep on the subject: []( (for those short on time skip to ~15 min) I have had bikes stolen but I don't register my bikes, I just try to make mine more difficult to steal than most. We shouldn't have to just accept bike theft as an inevitable part of living in a city however. (From the video above) 7.5% of bike theft victims never replace their stolen bike, and 15% ride less often after having a bike stolen. Effectively addressing bike theft could do so much more for cycling than adding another haphazardly planned bike lane and a few more bike racks. The guys behind Vancouver's (relative) success seem to think the identifiable registration badge is key (once you've got the police actually looking at the registry of course). This sounds like a few city hall meetings away from becoming a bike licensing scheme which opens the can of worms so much wider, I'm not sure how I feel about it. But I am genuinely curious what the best comments section in mtb thinks of the subject.

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