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Feb. 10, 2021, 4:47 p.m. -  Dave Tolnai

It's interesting how important height and weight are to a review, but how little they get talked about.  Read reviews where one tester is heavier and one is lighter, and it can almost sound like 2 different bikes in certain scenarios.  It also reminds me of the SB5.5 from a few years back, where I struggled to climb it up steep things but others thought it was amazing.  That was probably all down to the extra inch or so of seatpost that I had exposed compared to others. So, with this bike, I probably could have gotten a bit more aggressive with the LSC/LSR, but this may have compromised something else.  Easy solution - put a climb switch on it.  Especially when you're trying to optimize a tune for so many different weights and types of riders.  I did notice that Norco makes the same no climb switch call on a lot of their other bikes though.

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