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Nov. 20, 2013, 10:28 a.m. -  chasecardwell

#!markdown I totally see where you're coming from that "freeride is dead" from a bike perspective. Ive got a norco truax 2, the definition of a freeride bike. I can bomb bike parks on it, shred local jumps, I've even raced dh on it and its totally a pedal-able bike. For 2014 Norco decided to discontinue the truax after only 3 years of production. They bumped out the truax for more 27.5 AM or Enduro bikes. HOWEVER…..from a trail perspective, at least in the seattle area, "Freeride" bike parks are popping up everywhere, Duthie hill, colonnade, Summit Ridge freeride park, and as we speak, swan creek mtb park is building up a freeride section. People might ride these "freeride" lines on an AM bike or a DH bike, but its still freeride….its not XC, not DH, not a racecourse, not even big mountain stuff. Simply Freeride. LONG LIVE FREERIDE….

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