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Dec. 3, 2013, 4:20 p.m. -  Nanaman

#!markdown There is a place for smooth buffed trails on the shore, however what has been going on as of late is out of hand. We have individual unsanctioned rouge trailbuilders heading into the forest on their on accord and spreading dirt (Gold as they call it) over otherwise superb trails and completely ruining them for anyone other than those that share their point of view. Gold dirt is being spread over sections of trail which absolutely do not need it and are in fact much worse off after the fact. Case in point, the Richard Juryn trail. I recently rode it and was appalled by a long section which had recently been covered in soil. This section did not need the "treatment" and was a lot better before. I applaud the person's effort, however misguided it may be. We call ourselves Mountain Bikers, so why are we allowing the shore to be paved with dirt?

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