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Dec. 4, 2013, 9:46 a.m. -  Nanaman

#!markdown The Richard Juryn is classified as green multi-use, and I mentioned it partially because I knew it would invoke a strong reaction. I've ridden it since the official trail days and it is excellent for its intended purpose. I did however ride it in the last week and there was section of freshly spread gold which was not necessary. The point I'm trying to make here is why are we turning all the trails into green multi-use. Espresso is a good example; the spirit of that trail has always been knarl and chunder. I know people will say the old trail is there, but the main trail doesn't "flow" into it anymore. The new trail has nothing in common with the original trail. Why wasn't new Espresso called something else and Espresso left or maintained as it was? It has now become a green multi-use trail which is arguably a better climbing trail for some. Severed Dick, the top portion has had some unnecessary work done and been smoothed. I fear this will continue and the rest of the trail will be destroyed. There is a place for gold to be used, however paving an entire trail with the stuff negates the whole point of going mountain biking in the first place.

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