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Dec. 12, 2013, 7:25 a.m. -  Tmack

#!markdown Keep doing what you're doing which is trying to stay sane. I've broken my leg twice now (Tib/fib) and the hardest part was being alone. Sure friends and family stop by etc but for me there was the constant reminder of how isolated I was for an indefinite amount of time. I totally feel you with x-rays not showing any healing, that is the absolute worst part, it's like being trapped in your own body. I guess my point is that you will get better and you'll appreciate being healthy a shit ton more. It's been a few years for me and I still can't run BUT I can ride, and that's all that matters. Keep spinning, put in the miles, don't put yourself in a situation in which you look back and wish you would have done more. Even though it seems like it's taking forever your body is doing its best to heal. Visit It's an online chat forum, pretty crude but it's an awesome place to air your grievances to people that truly 'get it'. Healing vibes!

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