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Nov. 2, 2014, 1:08 a.m. -  Bruce Mackay

#!markdown Hey Morgan. I too crunch # in my head while riding road, glad I'm not the only one. The 16 tooth cog makes this a viable option. I keep wondering why SRAM felt a new carrier was necessary? Yeah to fit 10t, but as you point 1x is a bit of a compromise. Harden the feck up! Run 2t more up front, has a greater effect. BTW 13 -16 is 18.8% based on your other math (diff / larger cog). SRAM would sell WAY more 1×11 if we all didn't need new wheels and a $280 cassette to do it. I would switch NOW. for eg : 11-13-15-17-20-23-26-30-34-38-42. Just saying tight ratios too. With a 30 front that almost equals 32/24. Beginner gearing. 11-13-15-18-21-24-28-32-36-40-44. We could discuss ad infinitude I'm sure. What does it come down to for me. I'm waiting one more year for my next bike b/c, you're right, this will make riding easier for beginners.

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