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Nov. 4, 2014, 4:53 p.m. -  Rivers Mitchell

#!markdown I think these bikes look like a lot of fun, but the fact that they are a motorized vehicle will cause issues for all trail users as the pedelec's gain popularity. The knee jerk reaction you see here reminds me of hikers when MTB's started getting popular…lol. The possibility is there that this will create more traffic on the harder to get to trails. I can also see how awesome a bike like this would be to trailbuilders….able to build trails further up the mountains while still carrying all their tools. I think there needs to be studies done on how much extra wear and tear to the trails that pedalec's do as well will they actually cause more people to ride the non lift/shuttle trails? Right now people are working with a lot of assumptions without facts and that is usually dangerous territory that helps no one. Anyway, I would love to throw a leg over one and try it for myself. Good post Cam. The more we talk about the issue the better.

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