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Nov. 5, 2014, 1:16 a.m. -  Constantinos

#!markdown All the magic is in the effort.I wouldnt imagine a skater on an electric skate or a good bmx rider on an electric bmx.Why the mtb community should accept a bike that helps you out doing something that always meant to be "hard" in order to take you out of your comfort zone.I really don't like all this hype making mountain biking a mainstream sport.Anyone who wants to try it should get out of his comfort zone either he wants to climb a steep and long section or ride a downhill one.As for those who cant ride a bike due to "limitations" well.. do you remember Trevair?He accessed the trails with no motors.I believe that web sites/communities like NSMB should insist on the true nature and spirit of mountain biking culture.

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