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Nov. 7, 2014, 10:40 p.m. -  DrewM

#!markdown This. It will definitely make choosing your next bike easier -- it sounds like pretty much every major company that jumped on the fatbike wagon has an electric bike coming (if they couldn't be bothered to cash in on Fat or 29+ I guess they're skipping adding motors too). Could you go a step further (speaking for the local trails) and say that any shop planning to sell electric mountain bikes might as well stop donating to their local trail association, because at that point we know it's just another marketing opportunity, not out of any responsibility/altruism to your customers/riding and building community? Maybe that's not fair… I suppose a not insignificant number of riders who would solidly skip a shop battery powered douchery would still order from CRC even if they were advertising 1/2 priced pedelecs with a free set of wet scream tires thrown in.

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