Group Rides

Group Ride Faux Pas - 12 Rules To Keep It Tidy

Photos Cam McRae

The golden group ride; as rare as 26" wheels at an EWS round. 

Your bike is perfectly tuned, suspension recently serviced, brakes bled, rubber new. The dirt is tacky yet forgiving, the temperature is perfect and you feel strong like you've been doping with the Russian team. Pre-ride, everyone is back-slapping and jovial. Your buddy who is always late miraculously shows up early and for once he doesn't need to swap a rotor or slap in a tube. Everything is looking good, And then the unexpected happens; nothing goes wrong. Nobody breaks a thumb crashing awkwardly on a slow corner, all tires hold air and you can't hear a single voice bitching about the trails you chose. 

And then it really gets good. You are riding better than you can remember, and your buddies are shredding hard as well. Their stoke amplifies yours until you are "feeding off each other" and your bullet train effortlessly devours miles of singletrack. In fact you slay lines you usually back away from, and soon everyone hits another level. The buzz keeps ramping and you've got energy tin reserve. Spontaneous high fives erupt regularly and the smiles are broad and genuine. 

It's always that easy...

Group Rides

The bigger the group, the more important it is to stay dialled. 10 of us went to Peru together a couple of years ago. We had our moments but mostly we were all princes. 

The sobering reality is that when you put 4 or more riders together the chances of everything turning out golden are like the medal odds Vegas gave Eddie The Eagle. You'll need riders who are compatible on and off the bike, no mechanical issues and some agreement about where to go. In fact it's a miracle group rides turn out well as often as they do when so much can go sideways. Of course you can't plan for acts of god; a tree falling on your bike, traffic making riders late or trails that are blown out and dusty. But there are things we can do to help things gel, especially when riding with a new group. Established crews know what to expect, and your buddies have decided to put up with your crap. If however you are with a new group you could seriously mess with the balance if you don't keep it tidy. 

This list is filled with things I have done to piss off groups of riders in the past. I've heard slow learners make good teachers so I may be the Mr. Miyagi of group rides. 

Wax. On. 

Since nobody wants to be the jerk who screws up the ride, here's a serious inventory of behavioural strategies guaranteed to help you integrate. 

1. Keep it tight and be on time. Don't mess with airflow before the bird even gets off the ground or you may not recover. And if you are late maybe bring coffee and donuts. 

2. Chip in. There's nothing worse than the dumbass who is cruising Tinder while everyone else is unloading bikes or clearing the trail. Either you're in or you're in the way. 

3. Have your shit together. Make sure your water is filled, tires and suspension are up to pressure and be geared up and ready. A lot of this should happen the night before. Military precision is recommended. 

Stay with the group

Stay in contact when you are with a new group because they may not know you're that jackass who takes detours and shortcuts. 

4. Give lots of advice. Start with set up. Tell one of the riders you've just met that his bars are too long and point out for another that her tires are going to suck on the trails you are about to ride. Even better, if someone is struggling give them some riding tips. Things like, "you might want to start looking a little further ahead,". or maybe, "have you thought about getting off your brakes?" Those go over really well. /SARC  

If you have words of wisdom you might want to leave them for post-ride beers. Or for never. 

5. Don't bro down too hard pre-ride, talking about all the gnarly trails you've ridden. Nobody wants to ride with that dude (usually a dude) or that chick. Those are perfect post ride tales once you've been welcomed to the tribe.

6. If you are struggling, suck it up and avoid listing excuses. Maybe you were up all night with the new baby, maybe you haven't ridden for a month, both your rotors could be rubbing hard or maybe you've contracted rabies. Suck it up buttercup because nobody wants to hear it. Bruised egos heal and everyone has been the rider at the back of the pack on occasion. 

Uphill both ways

"Even if it's uphill both ways..." James Wilson and Warren Barrow on the a climb that followed the climb near Huaraz Peru.

7. Sit back and figure out where you fit in. Even if you think you're the fastest rider, hang back in the pack and let things sort themselves out. Eventually, the ride order will appear and, assuming you aren't riding with a bunch of jackasses who all think they are faster than they are, you'll find your spot in the order. Once you sort that out, let faster riders go ahead. There's nothing worse than getting stuck behind someone slower than you on a fun section of trail. 

8. Leave some breathing room. If you do get stuck behind someone a little slower on a particular section it's likely not cricket to be buzzing tires or running them over if they go down. Now if it's one of your buddies, have at 'er. In fact, dangerous passes that leave them in the rhubarb are to be encouraged with those jerks you usually ride with. 

9. Don't bitch about trail choice. If you are the new rider in the crew it's likely you aren't going to be setting the route, and even if it's uphill both ways, just smile and spin.

10. Don't use Strava. This doesn't apply specifically to this list, but I thought I'd toss it in. (note for the comments section – if you like Strava that's fine. I guess.) 

11. Don't discuss the 2nd Amendment. Or Donald Trump. 

12. Bring beer. More beer than you think you'll need (in a cooler of course) because cold ones attract a crowd, and if you don't drink them all they won't go bad before you get thirsty again. 

On the other side, if you are already part of the group make sure you do what you can to welcome the new rider into the fold. We mountain bikers need to stick together. 

Feel free to add some serious suggestions below.

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+2 yycbarbarian Disruptive

As a guide for the MTB group at my university I can only say: bring your own tools or at the very least a spare tube!

Besides that, the bitching and excuses are fun most of the time and in the end everybody usually makes it back alright.



Good call, surprised that wasn't mentioned. 

Everybody knows that "hey, can I bum a tube/tool/chain lube/pump" person. They do it pretty much every ride, and although they're alright enough to accept, it takes them down a peg on the over-all rating scale.

+1 GOrtho

Excellent addition. Fortunately it's not an issue with my crew.


+2 auzz-man Cam McRae

Peru 🇵🇪 is a rough country to ride bikes, it’s an amazing destination and you want your bike in perfect conditions. What I always recommend to riders coming to Peru is to bring fresh new tires and not bring those XC tires that will get cut on the first rock. You need strong tires and tubeless of course. Then you will enjoy better every trail!


+2 Cam McRae Disruptive

Just know there’s going to be a flat and make sure to use that time for good natured ribbing about pump technique and how somebody’s significant other isn’t putting out enough.


+1 yycbarbarian

Three's a crowd and I hate riding with crowds ;)  

Actual, three is usually okay but anymore and it becomes a gong show.  The chances of someone having a serious mechanical issue or accident with injury in groups of more than 3 seems to defy all mathematical probability principles - it's almost always guaranteed to happen.



I don't think you mean 'defy...' because the probability of 'something happening' increases because there are simply more riders, the larger the group.

+1 GOrtho

I believe Brad is saying that the odds of a mechanical increase faster than the number of riders increases, which would defy the maths.



Exactly: It should be a linear / proportional probability relationship but in real life it always seems to be exponential!


+2 Niels van Kampenhout Thunderbear

Number of people x number of potential problems.

It is exponential.



For problems that affect an individual rider (such as a mechanical) it's linear growth, not exponential. Except for that dude who for some reason always has something wrong with his bike.

Problems that arise from group dynamics will grow faster than linear though.. anything to do with decision making, communication etc. People tend to become dumber the larger a group gets.

Personally I prefer to ride by myself or with one buddy. Maximum enjoyment for the effort.

+3 Cam McRae Disruptive Endur-Bro

Egos are tough.

People sometimes don’t even realize how one -upmanship sneaks up on them- while i ride 99.5 % alone i have seen it turn ugly when too many alpha types get together. I dint know who said it but “ i love humanity but a hate people” seems to ring true here.


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