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March 13, 2024, 4:11 p.m. -  Mike Ferrentino

The Sur-ron bomb is gaining mass, and has all the hallmarks of a spectacularly ugly explosion taking shape. I am personally excited for the advent of a real electric dirt bike for purely selfish reasons - quieter, no need to ever change air filters again, all that torque - but the ease of access (relatively low entry cost) and total lack of any sort of policing when it comes to Sur-rons and the like has created a tidal wave of young groms who are the definitive poster children for "get off my lawn" kind of boomer rage. They haul ass everywhere, they ride wherever the hell they want, and they are in no way interested in listening to what established elders may have to say. It's happening in the streets, in the cuts, and on the trails, and it is happening all over place.  The analog to that down here in Mexico can be found in these incredibly inexpensive Indian and Chinese knock offs of old Honda CRF 150s. Ten years ago they did not exist. Now, not only are they affordable and plentiful, they are into their second and third generations, so beat to shit but still repairable older units can be scored by the local teens for next to nothing. Teens gonna teen, so that means spending as little as possible to get it running, rattle can the thing black, slap on some Monster stickers, and cut the muffler out. End result, once quiet town is now drowning in a round the clock symphony of incredibly noisy shitboxes being held on the rev limiters by hormonally amped up teenage boys. At least the Sur-rons are quiet...

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