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April 24, 2024, 2:49 a.m. -  rojo

As a (very serious) cancer survivor (I've always been super healthy, fit and good BMI) I would urge everyone to look into the metabolic aspect of cancer, alongside all of the conventional medicine. There will never be a magic cure for cancer, as cancer is just too sneaky to be taken out by one single course of action, so my advice is: be the director of your own healthcare and learn everything you can about it, and look into \*everything\* you can do to help your case rather than just what the doctor says. This includes metabolic pathway blockers (take Jane Mclelland's online course: she is one smart cookie who saved herself from stage 4), healthy eating (no added refined sugar: it feeds cancer), and gentle exercise. At the end of the day the drugs help, but it is your own body that needs to heal up from surgery/mop up the damage, so do everything alongside conventional to maximise your chances. Good luck and best wishes!

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