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April 23, 2024, 7:13 a.m. -  Allen Lloyd

Chris may not be a trained engineer, but there is nobody who can figure out practical solutions like him.  Speedgoat was by a multiple the coolest bike shop around.  Who has a shop with high-end custom builds in rural PA?  While the bikes were cool, it was always the detail that would blow your mind.  There were a couple of years where Chris was combining different brand's parts to make some really amazing stuff.  If memory serves me there were some Hope / Hayes brakes that just felt 1 billion times better than anything available at the time.   The other thing that always got me about Chris was he had a way of asking questions to figure out what you liked or didn't about a bike.  I spent a day shopping for a bike and after each test he would ask a couple of questions then grab another bike and send me back out.   Super stoked to see his new venture getting some attention!

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